Cherry bark mandolin picks: investigations and experiments.

Extract from the proceedings of the conference “Il mandolino a Milano e in Lombardia nei secoli XVIII e XIX” – May 2022.

The use of cherry bark picks on gut-string instruments has been documented since ancient times . A rare discovery of some of these original picks has allowed to carry out some tests and for a more in-depth research.

  Plettri ITA

  Plettri ENG

Mandolins of Carlo Guadagnini with six single strings between the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th century: a “Turin” mandolin?

Extract from the proceedings of the conference “Il mandolino a Milano e in Lombardia nei secoli XVIII e XIX” – May 2022.

Carlo Guadagnini was one of the first luthiers to regularly produce simple six-string mandolins since the second half of the 17th century: my research, which culminated with the making of some copies of his instruments, is summarized here.

  Guadagnini ITA

  Guadagnini ENG



The first period of Luigi Embergher’s activity in Rome, after coming from Arpino, as well as the year this activity began and the list of addresses he changed, are often treated in a contradictory way by different sources, even recently, and until today there is no serious and documented filing work to support a reliable reconstruction.

   English Embergher Monaci

   Italiano Embergher Monaci

   Français Embergher Monaci


